“I’VE BEEN” by Francisco Bravo Cabrera

“Sunrise Beach” © Francisco Bravo Cabrera. All Rights Reserved.

The weapon of Damascus steel, 

created by your awesome will,
fashioned in your head,
has been perfumed and laid upon your bed.
Willpower that shatters bones to the marrow,
defies the winds and flies like an arrow.
And although a few times in my life
I’ve found myself against something like this,
I’m still a ghost that your arrows will miss,
though they will chase me through this lifetime...
I’ve been on the other side of one like you that sculpts on grey walls
A bas relief of lazy shadows that spring from the light of the flame that laid fallow
for one hundred years while you turned silhouettes into mountains,
wishes into doves,
multiplied fishes and loaves...
I’ve whispered to the crests of waves,
“Seduce the tides, blackmail the winds,
and return to the shore where we’ve been
waiting to feel your moist touch as we lay on the sand,
cover us with a brief, salty kiss in the night,
while we shiver caressed by cold rays of moonlight.”
Once did I dare to slip forth through the cracks in your walls,
and entered your sanctum sanctorum
while ghostly calls beckoned me to surrender
and lie on your bed’s perfumed sheets.
I rose to light a thousand candles,
to dance with the shadows you sculpted.
but they were just statues, silent and white, still and stained with memories.
A love that kills will never die...
I’m on the other side when you look in the mirror, I’m lingering smoke,
I’ve been the handle,
I’ve been the blade,
I’ve been the one that once bled and that now lies perfumed on your bed..

Copyright © Francisco Bravo Cabrera, 12-28 FEB 2024, Valencia, Spain
All Rights Reserved
Francisco Bravo Cabrera

Francisco graduated from Florida International University (FIU) and began his career in the arts in Miami, Florida by opening his studio/gallery Omnia Caelum Studios Miami in 2003. His first professional exhibition was at PG Gallery in Istanbul, Turkey. From there he exhibited in Spain, New York and Florida, therefore he has exhibited professionally in North America, Europe and Asia. His paintings and drawings are in private collections all over the world. His work represents the results of his artistic quest to develop, without the need of a “style”, but with the need to communicate and to transmit a message of power and light to all. Now he operates his studio/gallery in Spain, renaming it Omnia Caelum Studios Valencia.

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8 Comments Add yours

  1. Meelosmom says:

    A love story made into art. Thank you, Francis, for your words an art! We appreciate your submissions!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much Barbara!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. michnavs says:

        This is very beautiful Francisco❤️

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Thank you very much Michelle!

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Meelosmom says:

        My pleasure, Francis!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Barbara, this is an intriguing poetic thought process.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Meelosmom says:

      Yes, definitely a deep poem, Robbie. Thank you for your comment!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. jonicaggiano says:

    Just a beautifully sculpted piece of writing that leads us down a path of so many deeply felt emotions. What a treasure Francisco. Thank you my friend, lovely indeed. Big hugs, Joni and Scott

    Liked by 1 person

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