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Angela Kosta was born in Albania in 1973 and has lived in Italy since 1995. She is a translator, essayist, journalist, literary critic, editor and promoter. He has published 11 books: novels, poems and fairy tales in Albanian, Italian and English. Angela’s publications have appeared in various literary magazines and newspapers in: Albania, Kosovo, Italy, USA, England, China, Russia, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Algeria, Poland, Australia, Egypt, Greece, Spain, Tajikistan, South Korea, Hungary, India, Bangladesh etc. Angela translates and writes articles and interviews for the newspaper “Calabria Live”, Saturno magazine, the newspaper “Le Radici”, the international magazine “Orfeu”, Alessandria Today magazine, the Nacional newspaper, the Gazeta Destinacioni, the magazine Perqasje Italo – Shqiptare, the international magazine Atunis – Belgium, collaborates with magazines in Lebanon, International Literature Language Journal (USA), Morocco, Bangladesh, etc. Angela is Ambassador of Culture and Peace in: Bangladesh, Lebanon, Poland, Morocco, Canada, Algeria, Egypt, etc. Angela has been translated and published in 27 foreign languages and countries. In the second semester of 2023 alone, she was an author in 78 national and international newspapers and magazines with: poems, articles, interviews, and essays. You can follow Angela on Facebook.

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One Comment Add yours

  1. Meelosmom says:

    Thank you for submitting this poem of hope, Angela! I hope you submit again!


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