Shade of Blue by Merry Maiden

Photo by Tengyart/ Unsplash

Shade of Blue
by Merry Maiden
author’s site:

I think of you
with the ache of waning seasons and last goodbyes
as with the loss of a dream or a sad lullaby
I wondered today if you miss me too
when the sky and my heart speak the same shade of blue

@Merry Maiden


Welcome to MasticadoresUSA.

MasticadoresUSA was founded by Juan Re Crivello as part of Gobblers/Masticadores in 2021. Its current editor is Gabriela Marie Milton.

MasticadoresUSA features talented writers of poetry and short prose. We primarily publish writers who write in English, and are based in the USA. However, while the publication language remains English, we also welcome the work of our fellow writers from all over the world.

What do we want to bring to our readers? Edgar Allan Poe once wrote: Poetry is the rhythmical creation of beauty in words. This is what we are committed to bringing to you. And that’s not an easy endeavor. 


If you want to submit, please send your work – poetry and/or short prose – to In addition to the piece(s), you want to have published, we need your name, and the address of your site. Submit your work as a docx attachment – not in the body of the email. Limit your submission to two pieces.  We do not accept pieces longer than 300 words.

What are the themes that we are looking for? Surprise us!

However, MasticadoresUSA does not publish any work that contains racist, homophobic, sexist, and hate talk of any kind.

Looking forward to your submissions. 

5 Comments Add yours

  1. Ingrid says:

    Simply Beautiful ❤️


  2. Ishita Gupta says:

    So beautiful😍


  3. earthskyair says:

    Oh, this is just so lovely and wistful and longing. Beautiful.🌷


  4. jonicaggiano says:

    So beautiful!

    “with the ache of waning seasons and last goodbyes
    as with the loss of a dream or a sad lullaby”


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